Banana breakfast smoothie

Who doesn’t love a smoothie? I love mine as a quick breakfast option, an afternoon snack or a little treat on a hot day. I think smoothies are best when they are ice-cold, so I always try and have frozen fruit on hand. But if I have forgotten, I’ll throw in a handful of ice which usually does the trick.

I invested in a thermomix a few years ago and I absolutely love it! But you don’t need one to make a smoothie, there are so many good blender options on the market that make light work of whizzing up a few ingredients.

I thought I would pop up a few of my favourite recipes over the next few weeks for you guys to try. Let me know what you think.

So let’s start with a delicious breakfast smoothie.

Ingredients (serves 1)

  • 1 cup of baby spinach

  • 1 cup of water

  • 1 frozen banana

  • ¼ of an avocado

  • Juice of ¼ lemon


  • Place all ingredients into a blender and process at high speed for 1 min

  • So simple!

The banana breakfast smoothie is a little thick, but it’s nice and filling and can be a great breakfast on the run. If you prefer your smoothies on the lighter side then you can add another 100ml of your milk of choice.

Tip: I like to have frozen banana in the freezer at hand, so if I notice a banana is becoming over ripe in the fruit bowl I’ll slice in up into 4 – 5 pieces and pop it in the freezer. The smaller pieces make it easier to blend and it means you don’t have to use a whole banana every time.


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